August 2013

"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes."
Marcel Proust

Each morning as we begin our day we have new opportunities.
We choose how we are going to go about our day.
No matter what we have created or what life throws at us,
we choose how we respond.
We are always. . . always in control, even if,
we choose to give it away.

Two people can look at and experience the exact same "landscape".
One will choose to "see" struggles and hopelessness, potholes with long dreary paths, dead grass, and mountains.
The other will choose to "see" challenges and opportunities, valleys with exciting trails, and golden rolling hills.

We choose what our "landscape" looks like.
We choose how we are going to move across it.

Choose to begin each day with "new eyes" full of possibilities, opportunities, and Powerful Smiles!

Life is good. The Magic is in how we. . . Choose to perceive it.
Our Power is in how we. . . Choose to respond.


July 2013

The Magic of Listening.

It can seem these days that we are being pulled from every direction possible.  We can easily now have more balls in the air than ever before. Most of the time we are able to do an amazing job at juggling all our responsibilities and are able to keep the balls in the air easily with a nice flow and rhythm.

Every now and then life may throw a little too much at once and before we realize it, all the balls that we were juggling in a nice flow have now crashed together falling to the ground creating chaos.

  Most of the time we know what happened and we know what to do to get back into our flow. But, we want to talk to someone, we want to maybe vent a little, just get out our frustrations and let someone know 

what happened and what is going on. We want to feel heard, no fixing needed, just to feel heard.

When someone we know, someone we care about, someone we love, or it could even be a stranger, needs to talk we have an opportunity to give a priceless gift. This is were the magic of listening comes in.  All we have to do is let them feel we are really listening to them.

That's all........

A Magical shift happens when we truly listen.  Creating a positive and powerful energy giving the receiver wisdom and strength. 

Sometimes we make the mistake to try to "fix" them... 

Especially if it is someone we love....  We don't want them to feel bad. 

So we think we may know what to say to "fix" their situation, but that is precisely when we stop listening and can be of no help to them.

Unless someone asks.... 

What do I do.. 

How can I....

then all they are needing is to be heard.

All they are asking is to listen.

The greatest and most powerful gift we can give is to just. . . Listen. 

Be sure the one sharing  with us feels like we have really heard

what they are saying.  That's all, simple, easy. . . Powerful!


Try it, and you will experience the Magic in Listening.


June 2013

Horses wear blinders, known earlier as Blinkers, to help them from being spooked and to stay focused, but they keep them. . . Associated to a very limited view.

Sometimes it is good to have our Blinkers on to help us stay focused on a goal.

However, if we are not trying to stay focused on a specific goal, our Blinkers will create chaos in our lives.

Anytime we lose control, or are stuck in a situation that we feel lost or cannot see anyway out..... It is because we are associated into the very real, but limited reality, caused by having our Blinkers on. 

All we have to do is remove our own Blinkers and we will then be open to and see Unlimited Possibilities.

We will be able to Disassociate ourselves with the situation, giving us Insight and Wisdom from a much Higher and more Powerful Perspective.

"When we take off our Blinkers... Our World Opens Up!"
Wade King


April 2013

Sometimes we forget the power and stability within ourselves. We might get a small glimpse of this inner strength, but most of the time even this small glimpse is by default or by accident.

We go searching outside ourselves for something we feel is missing; like a dog chasing his tail.  Spinning in circles and never catching what he is seeking.

All the answers, without exception, come from the inside.  Everything that is pure, positive and powerful comes from within our very core. 
Anything that becomes reality begins from this powerful place.
This is our storehouse, our endless reservoir of. . .
Unlimited Possibilities   -   Unlimited Potential.

The chaos of everyday life may cause us to forget.  Forget the power and stability that lies within us.  We forget and seek outside ourselves for peace, happiness and answers.
Chasing in endless circles, becoming more and more confused, and feeling completely out of control.

Chasing our tails is easier today than any other time in history, due to the pull of our instant information, which ends up most of the time not being so. . . "instant."  It takes away valuable time for self-reflection and surfing the true information highway that lies patiently within ourselves.

We may wake up with great intentions;  happy and ready to go with our tails waging.  If we are not in harmony with ourselves, expecting or depending on outside circumstances to validate our intentions,
our own waging tail will catch our attention. We then quickly begin to chase after this wagging tail, not realizing that what we are chasing belongs to us.

If we want to be our very best  . . .
If we want to step into our greatness . . .
If we want to make a difference . . .
For ourselves and others,
we just need to set aside time each day for self-reflection.
Acknowledge ourselves . . .
Believe in ourselves . . .
Surf our very own inner highway where, Wisdom, Strength and Stability, come in unlimited supplies!

We will then be living on purpose;  Not by default or by accident;
Creating Pure Positive Power from within;  Becoming in harmony with ourselves, not even aware of our "wagging" tails. 

"Ignite Your Inner Torch!"


March 2013

Life is full of ups and downs, good times and challenging times. The most important thing for us to do is to keep moving forward. No matter what is happening, breath and continue to move forward. There is nothing that we cannot overcome... as long as we continue to move forward. Sometimes it may be harder than others to keep our head held high, and continue to place one foot in front of the other. During these times, it is important to reach out for a hand, someone to help pull you forward. It does not matter how we move forward. What is important is that we do!

The seed never complains about the weight of the dirt above it. Never questions the rocks, branches and challenges ahead. The seed simply moves slowly but surely upward, until it breaks through. Turning into a Beautiful Flower, Vibrant Plant, or Powerful Tree.


February 2013

"Nothing changes if Nothing changes"

Author unknown
(Sent from my friend, Shirl Woodruff) 

Life is not about always being up. That would be like the Sun never setting. 

Life is about moving forward. Even if you just took two steps forward and then a step back.... You still took a full step forward.

Pay attention to what you are paying attention to. Ask yourself, "Is this thought moving me forward?" "Are the words I speak moving me forward?"

We are more Powerful than we realize!

Pay attention to what you are paying attention to. 

If your thoughts and your words are not what you want your reality to be, or the way you want your reality to be.

Then simply change your thoughts and words.

"Nothing changes if Nothing changes."

Make the change to pay attention to what you are paying attention to, and you will Step into Your Greatness!


January 2013

"Confidence, like art, never comes from having all the answers; It comes from being open to all the questions."
                                                                Earl Gray Stevens

The greatest gift we could ever give is to....

The person most deserving to receive this greatest gift is....

Every moment of every day we have a powerful reservoir of unlimited possibilities just waiting to be accessed. The easiest way we can access our treasure of unlimited possibilities is to simply.... Be Open....

Be Open to what you Can do....

Be Open to finding a better and easier way to accomplish your goals. Be Open to....Unlimited Possibilities and....




December 2012

"The future is not some place we are going, but one we are creating. The paths are not to be found, but made. And the activity of making them changes both the maker and the destination." 

                                                                              John Schaar

As 2012 shifts to a memory and 2013 lies ahead of us, what would happen if we were to focus on positive energy and let our imaginations run free? Taking charge of our thoughts in this way allows us to be in control. Focusing on and allowing positive energy to guide us, helps us to be the Powerful beings we are meant to be. 

What will you create in 2013?


November 2012

"There are two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle."
                                             Albert Einstein

The amazing month of December is upon us; 
a month full of opportunities for Magic and Miracles.

December is a special time of the year that focuses on the
Magic in giving and receiving.

Sometimes we may think that giving is easier than receiving.
Sometimes we may think that receiving is easier than giving.
Magic is created by being a part of both, giving and receiving.

It doesn't always have to be about material items.

The Magic can happen as you go about your day.

Have you ever simply smiled to a stranger and they returned the smile?
Remember how wonderful you felt? 
That wonderful Energy you felt was created by completing the Circle
of Giving and Receiving!

Now Miracles.... 

Miracles are created by completing... Circles!

The more Circles you complete the more Miracles you will help to create!!

What could be more Magical than that?


October 2012

There is an energy that is available to us.... all of us.... Each and every day.... Each and every moment. This energy can be either Positive or Negative. The source of energy we choose to tap into is always within our control. 

We can tell which energy we are allowing by our thoughts and language. Allowing ourself to have Negative thoughts and language will create Negative results. Allowing Positive thoughts and language will create Positive results. 

Sometimes life may seem like an out-of-control train, barreling down the track about to derail at any time. It is during these moments that we have forgotten how truly Powerful we are. 

Being aware of our thoughts and language will give us the Power to stop that "run-away train" 

Being in full control of what energy we are tapping into is the key in creating what we desire and how we can reclaim our Power and..... Step Into Our Greatness!


September 2012

"The Wright brothers flew right through the smoke screen of impossibility."

                                   Charles Kettering

What makes the, "impossible dream".... Impossible? 
Who says you can or can not do something?
Who is truly in control of.... Your - 
Desires - Creativity - Imagination - Goals and Dreams?
Of.... Your - 
Unlimited Possibilities.....?

You Are!!!

It is all, Within You! Right now! 

Just waiting for you to fly through the.... "Smoke Screen of Impossibility" ..... 
Your true Potential and ..... 


August 2012

What holds us up from creating the life we want are Roadblocks. 

These roadblocks can be from our past that we have set in place from an event that we don't want to or don't know how to deal with. 

We also set roadblocks up in our future, lacking confidence, self worth and anticipating problems or struggles that have not yet occurred. 

We tell ourselves that setting these roadblocks are for are own good not realizing by putting them in place we are only limiting our own ability to be strong, grow and be free to create what we want. 

The more roadblocks we have in our past or future, the harder it is for us to see and step into our Greatness. 

By slowly acknowledging and taking down each roadblock you have set in place you will be able to begin to build a solid foundation that will support the Amazing person you are, igniting your inner torch to not only serve yourself but all those around your creating the life you know is right for you! 
